Email Lists

Please follow the links below to subscribe yourself to any of our email lists (only accessible from a internet domain) OR: if you are NOT coming from a internet domain, you can fill out this form and we will manually subscribe you.

major-triad: Official announcements of Tripods-sponsored news and events. Low traffic. Open to all.

minor-triad: Department seminars, interesting data science news or events in the Boston area, not necessarily Tripods-sponsored. All members encouraged to post items of interest to the community. Open to all.

tripods-core: Email discussion list for Tufts faculty and students interested in foundations of data science.

tripods-bio: Email discussion list for Tufts faculty and students interested in biology and biomedical data science.

tripods-learn: Email discussion list for Tufts faculty and students interested in cognitive science and education applications.

tripods-dd: Email discussion list for Tufts faculty and students interested in smart cities, and data science problems in development and design.

tripods-ch: Email discussion list for Tufts faculty and students interested in data science in the Humanities.

tripods-teach: Email discussion list for everyone interested in the teaching of Data Science, including ethics of data science Open to all.

tripods-braids: Email discussion list for everyone interested in broadening access in data science and data science for all initiatives and best practices. Open to all.